More Lessons


  1. I feel like there is too much difference from complete beginner and beginner, i’ve watched all complete beginner videos and understood what was going on, but with beginner videos Im struggling much more and often I can’t follow what’s going on. furthermore since I am a complete beginner your content is the only I can use since I don’t wanna read, and animes are too hard.

    1. Hi Morlaさん,
      I recommend starting with Beginner videos with topics you’re interested in or you’re familiar with. It’s a lot easier to engage with and understand when you’re interested in or already familiar with the topic. Also, try watching older Beginner videos first since they are slightly easier than recent ones. While you try watching Beginner videos, you can also rewatch Complete Beginner videos until you understand them effortlessly. Downloading audio files of the videos you’ve already watched and use them for passive listening might help too. I hope any of these helps💖

  2. 私はフィンランドから来ます。サッカーは人気です。野球もされています、でも野球よりもサッカーの方が人気です。アイスホッケーも大人気です。アイスホッケーのワールドカップを見たり人が多いです。


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